The regular town board meeting will be held Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 7 p.m. at the Otter Creek Town Hall, E5905 County Road S, Wheeler WI 54772.  The detailed Agenda will be posted at the town hall and on the town website prior to the meeting,

Beverly Bernier, Town
Clerk Treasurer.   

PUBLIC NOTICE – Town of Otter Creek
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT As required by WIS STATS 5.84(1) a public testing of the Town of Otter Creek voting equipment will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 15, 2025, at the Town Hall, located at E5905 County Road S, Wheeler WI.
Beverly Bernier, Town of Otter Creek Clerk/Treasurer


Are you concerned with a possible Dunn County Zoning Ordinance violation?

Link to file a complaint with Dunn County regarding possible violations of any Dunn County Zoning Ordinances – [Dunn County, WI] Complaint Intake Form (

FIRE INSURANCE – Do you need additional coverage??
For those residents with vacant land, wooded areas, or open fields, please be advised you may want to talk with your insurance carrier regarding having adequate insurance coverage for any potential grass/forest fires. If a fire were to occur on your property, you may want to discuss if you have proper coverage for fire-fighting efforts, as these bills can be quite large and insurance coverage can be pretty affordable. A large fire could be in the range of $7,000 to $10,000. Timber is a crop, and if your timber is destroyed by fire, your potential earnings on your timber acreage could be destroyed. Many times, there may be additional insurance you need to cover such fires.

Residents of Otter Creek are advised to keep driveways cleared of trees, limbs and any encumbrances a minimum of 15 feet wide and 15 feet high for emergency vehicles to access your residence. Fire numbers must be clearly visible from the road, again for emergency vehicle use. Not following these specifications may result in delayed response to emergencies by response personnel. Please be sure to have open and safe pathways to your home in the event personnel need to enter your residence. Thank you on behalf of the Colfax Rescue Squad and the Colfax Community Fire Department.

Noxious weed notice – access full notice via link below:

66.0407 . Noxious weed notice.
Town of Otter Creek, Dunn County
Every person is required by law to destroy all of the following noxious weeds growing on land in the Town of Otter Creek, Dunn County, Wisconsin, owned, operated, or controlled by that person:

  1. Canada thistle.
  2. Leafy spurge.
  3. Field bindweed (Creeping Jenny)
    Dated this 16th day of April, 2024.
    Town chairperson: LeAnn Ralph
    Note: See also Department of Natural Resources administrative rule Chapter NR 40, Wisconsin Administrative Code, which regulates invasive species throughout the state:


2025 Dog license requests due 4/1/2025 – send requests to Clerk/Treasurer


Upcoming Elections

Spring Primary – February 18, 2025: State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Spring Election – April 1, 2025:

-State Supreme Court

-State Superintendent of Public Instruction

-Circuit Court District III

-School Board

-Town of Otter Creek Town Board

Register to Vote and Absentee Voting

Wisconsin residents who need to register to vote can now use to register online. Voters must be registered before they can request an absentee ballot.




Click here for Driveway Permit.

Zoning permits – contact Dunn County Zoning – 715-231-6520,

Building permit – contact: Matt Flatland – Building Inspector – 715-933-1003,

Town Land Use Permit – contact Beverly Bernier – Town of Otter Creek Clerk Treasurer – 715-658-0131 after you have obtained zoning permits and building permits. The Town issues a Land Use Permit ($50) after obtaining other permits and providing clerk treasurer with copies of documents.

NOTE: A mobile home/trailer MAY NOT be moved into the Town of Otter Creek until the building inspector – Matt Flatland – has inspected and approved of the mobile home/trailer.

Need Driveway Permit – print the permit form above. If you need an address, see Dunn County Rural Address Applications under “More” tab on this website.

Need to burn – contact the Dunn County Sheriff’s Department – 715-232-1348 (non-emergency dispatch). Business office – 715-232-1564

Need a timber cutting permit – complete the timber cutting form on the Dunn County website if you plan on harvesting timber. This form needs to be submitted a minimum of 15 days prior to cutting.



The Dunn County Treasurer, 3001 US Hwy 12 East, Suite 102A, Menomonie WI 54751 will collect personal property and real estate taxes for ALL of the 2023 tax year. Payments can be made in person at the Dunn County Government Center, dropped off in their drop-box, or mailed in to themCall 715-232-3789 for details, hours are 8:00-4:30. Please make checks payable to Dunn County Treasurer. First installment of real estate tax is due January 31, 2025. Second installment of real estate tax is due July 31, 2025All personal property taxes are due in full by January 31, 2025.    – Beverly Bernier, Clerk Treasurer, Town of Otter Creek